Grace Church desires to continually grow in how we care for those in need and who are hurting. The Bible calls us to love God and to care for the needs of others. In faithfulness and obedience to His Word, we work to address the tangible needs of individuals, couples, and families in our church and in our community.

We offer many kinds of care and support, such as marriage enrichment, financial training, intercessory prayer, assistance with biblical conflict resolution, and aid during difficult circumstances. Our goal is to provide opportunities for each person — at every season of life and despite pressing demands — to learn to pursue God in prayer, seek wisdom in biblical counsel, and grow in the midst of difficult trials.

The Care and Support Ministry focuses on four key areas: support and care, visitation, biblical care and counseling, and prayer.

 Care Groups

We are committed to strengthening marriages and families, prioritizing our impact on children through age 18, and bringing the message of Christ to our community.

Featured Groups

Click on a group name to learn more and register! 


Rubys Pantry

Grace Church is partnering with Ruby’s Pantry to distribute food to people at our church in our community. Food pick-up takes place on the first Thursday of every month, from 5-6:30pm at Grace Church - North parking lot near door 1.

View All Dates

There is no income or residency requirement and for a $25 bundle donation, you will receive an abundance of groceries. All households are welcome to participate.

Learn more about Ruby’s Pantry Pre-register for food Volunteer with Ruby’s Pantry Request Prayer


Prayer and Needs

Would you, your family, or your small group like to make an impact in a family’s life during their time of need? There are two ways that you can help — through prayer and by helping with their physical needs. Some needs we have come across are yardwork, meals, grocery gift cards, and clothing.

Sign up now to receive a weekly prayer list and receive notification of needs as we are made aware of them.

Receive Prayer and Needs Notifications

View Current Needs



Biblical Care and Counseling

Our goal is to help people meet life's challenges in a way that honors the Lord and allows them to discover His plan for their lives. We rely on the knowledge of God’s Word and an understanding of ministering to people as we help individuals who are facing difficulties, trials, and suffering.

Biblical Counseling is the process where the Bible, God’s Word, is related individually to a person who is struggling under the weight of personal sin or difficulties with suffering so that he/she might genuinely change to be pleasing to God.

We believe that the Bible provides thorough guidance and instruction for faith and Life (2 Peter 1:3, Romans 15:4). Therefore, our counseling is based on Scriptural principles.

Our counseling practice includes the importance of prayer, dependence on God, a thorough knowledge of the Word of God, and an understanding of ministering to people.

Our Biblical Counseling goal is to help you meet the challenges of life in a way that will honor the Lord, allowing you to enjoy His love and discover His plans for life.

If you are interested in promoting personal change in your life focused on Christ, we invite you to contact us at 952-224-3023.

Biblical Counseling Training Conference

Grace Church and Faith Biblical Counseling provide the tools and education you need to help others arise victorious over the burdens of life. Learn to support people as they transform their marriages, heal broken relationships, and overcome sin.

You don't need to be a pastor, minister, or church employee to participate. You just need a compassionate heart and a sincere desire to point someone who is hurting toward Jesus through lessons found in the Bible.

Three Central Beliefs of Biblical Counseling

  1. The Bible is the authoritative source by which all truth must be evaluated.
  2. When properly interpreted, the Bible reveals how a believer can please the Lord and live in a God-honoring way regardless of their circumstances.
  3. A genuine change of heart is totally dependent on the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Why participate in a Biblical Counseling Training Seminar?

  • Be Challenged: to become a more faithful disciple and disciple-maker.
  • Become Equipped: to console with more compassionate, Bible-centered, practical instruction.
  • Get Connected: with ministry leaders, pastors, missionaries, and people who desire to genuinely foster a change that helps others grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Imagine the relationships you'll cultivate by attending!

All Tracks Available:

  • First-Time Participants: Foundational Training - Track One
  • Returning Participants: Intermediate Training - Track Two
  • Returning Participants: Advanced Training - Track Three
  • Returning Participants: Ongoing Training - Track Four
  • Returning Participants: ACBC Exam Preparation - Track Five
  • Returning Participants: Women's Topics - Track Six

Instructor-Guided Online Training:

Online counseling training with multiple start dates. Attend the February week-long virtual conference, or join one of the seasonal conferences that are three 2-day weekends spread out over three months. Additionally, all conference guests will have 30-day on-demand access to all of the lectures after the close of the conference.

View More Info and Register

Sunday Biblical Counseling Training Class

On Sunday mornings, we offer ongoing biblical counseling training at our Eden Prairie location. All are welcome to attend for great teaching and to learn how to apply the teaching. Sessions will cover various topics by a list of great teachers.

Whether you want to apply the training in a formal setting or you just want to know what to say to help family and friends, this training will guide you in supporting people as they transform their marriages, heal broken relationships, and overcome sin. A schedule of topics is determined every month.

The next start date is to be determined.



Crossroads Career Network

The Crossroads Career Network at Grace Church exists to help unemployed and misemployed people find practical, effective job search strategies and spiritual help to successfully land their next position. With weekly, monthly, and quarterly options in both group and individual settings, everybody can find the option that works best for their schedule and unique needs. Learn more about resources and meeting options below!

More Info About Crossroads Upcoming Crossroads Events




Pastors and members of the visitation team are available to visit our members who are hospitalized or homebound. Individuals are advised to call our Care Team at (952) 224-3000 to make a visitation request.




Intercessory prayer teams meet throughout the week, lifting individual prayer requests to the Lord. Individuals are invited to meet privately with trained prayer supporters at the conclusion of most Sunday worship services. Anointing for healing and pastoral counseling is available by appointment. Submit a prayer request by:



Life Events

Grace Church is ready to assist you and your family during significant life experiences.